Giclee prints on canvas

Canvas giclee prints are one of the most popular options among artists to reproduce their original artwork in the highest quality possible. Canvas prints done right translate nuances of color and texture making a reproduction look as close to the original as possible. Canvas prints are typically more expensive than prints on paper and can help artists create a steady stream of income even after the originals were sold.

To achieve the highest quality, we produce canvas prints using the latest technology and the best archival ink and canvases available on the market. Here are examples of the canvases that we most commonly use to make canvas prints for our clients.

Urth™ Gloss and Urth™ Matte canvas 

  • 400 GSM white poly-cotton blend canvas.
  • Available in matte and gloss finishes.
  • World’s first solvent canvas with archival certification.
  • Specifically designed for the high-end fine art and photography markets.
  • “Chromata White” breakthrough technology, free of optical brightener additives and Fluorescent Whitening agents, helps achieve true colors and prevent yellowing over time.
  • OBA-free to achieve a consistent look of the print under different lighting.
  • Printing price per sq. ft: $15.00
  • Max. width: 60″ 

3400 Solvent canvas

  • 400 GSM bright white poly-cotton blend canvas.
  • Specifically designed for the décor market.
  • No-frills, low-cost alternative that still delivers exceptional print quality.
  • Ideal for short-term photography, fine art reproduction, indoor signage, backdrops, murals, and more.
  • Manufactured with large amounts of Optical Brightener Additives which give it a high white point, wide color gamut, and high Dmax value.
  • Highly durable, waterproof, and scratch-resistant.
  • Printing price per sq. ft: $10.00
  • Max. width: 60″

Poliflex fire-rated canvas

  • The only synthetic canvas that we use
  • Ideal for commercial projects with strict fire safety requirements
  • Printing price per sq. ft: $12.00
  • Max. width: 60″ 

Canvas stretching

The nature of our work requires us to have full in-house production. We build stretcher bars to the size of your print, so you never have to worry about non-standard, non-traditional sizes. We use high-quality pine stretcher bar moldings 1/2″ or 1-1/2″ thick and they are the same price for our customers. 

Sustainability and environmental protection are very important to us. We only use wood sourced from sustainable forests which are all FSC certified.

Price per linear ft.: $6.00

Most of our clients order prints on canvas already stretched and ready to hang. If you prefer to have your canvas print unstretched (for example, for easier shipping or if you build your own stretcher bars), please, specify it in your order, so we take it off your invoice.

Learn more about our printing and other services

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